
Server application for ngIntermediate lessons @ Login

Primary LanguageJavaScript

ngIntermediate Server Application

This is a working example of a Basic CRUD application developed in Node.js

System Setup

Make sure to have NodeJS and MongoDB installed on your machine.

Additionally install nodemon and bunyan globally.

npm install -g nodemon
npm install -g bunyan

Nodemon automatically reload your application on file change Bunyan correctly format the logger output


PostMan Chrome Extension to test REST Services


Here is defined a base scheleton for an application. You can check it out in server.js file.

There are some npm modules that are everytime usefull, check the list in package.json, they are:

  • express - the Node framework
  • mongoose - the ORM we will use to communicate with our MongoDB database
  • body-parser - let us pull POST content from our HTTP request
  • bunyan - a simple and fast JSON logging library for node.js services

Run this application with: nodemon server.js | bunyan