Bug Squashing

This is simple to do list, however it has some bugs. Your job is to find and address these bugs. It is safe to assume that all existing tests are correct. Please use the tests to resolve the bugs before moving onto the next step.

Implement a Feature

Once the bugs are resolved you can implement any of the features listed below. Please keep in mind this is intended to only take an hour to an hour and a half. Don't worry about completing everything if you run out of time.

Feature Options:

  • add a breadcrumb to the UI
  • add or extend an existing controller action to requests for a task_list and all its tasks
    • JSON response
  • add system tests to the test suite

Setup App

This app is using rails 7.0.1 and ruby 3.0.0. Once you have them both installed on your machine you can create, migrate and seed your database using rails db:setup.

After this you should be good to go.