
Integrates and provides a handy configuration for linkorb/app-event and its standard scheme for logging Application Events

Primary LanguagePHP


Integrates and provides a handy configuration for linkorb/app-event and its standard scheme for logging Application Events.


Applications that use Symfony Flex

Open a command console, enter your project directory and execute:

$ composer require linkorb/app-event-bundle

Applications that don't use Symfony Flex

Step 1: Download the Bundle

Open a command console, enter your project directory and execute the following command to download the latest stable version of this bundle:

$ composer require linkorb/app-event-bundle

This command requires you to have Composer installed globally, as explained in the installation chapter of the Composer documentation.

Step 2: Enable the Bundle

Then, enable the bundle by adding it to the list of registered bundles in the config/bundles.php file of your project:

// config/bundles.php

return [
    // ...
    LinkORB\AppEventBundle\LinkORBAppEventBundle::class => ['all' => true],


The bundle will automatically inject a special App Event logger into services and controllers which implement AppEventLoggerAwareInterface. There are a few ways to achieve this.

Use AppEventLoggerTrait which provides an implementation of both AppEventLoggerAwareInterface and AppEventLoggerInterface:

use LinkORB\AppEvent\AppEventLoggerAwareInterface;
use LinkORB\AppEvent\AppEventLoggerInterface;
use LinkORB\AppEvent\AppEventLoggerTrait;

class MyService implements AppEventLoggerAwareInterface,
    use AppEventLoggerTrait;

    public function myMethod()
        // using the trait makes it very simple to add AppEvent logging:
        $this->log('my.app.event', ['some-info' => ...], 'notice');

If your Controllers extend Symfony's AbstractController you can instead make them extend AppEventLoggingController which does the above for you and also extends Symfony's AbstractController:

use LinkORB\AppEventBundle\Logger\AppEventLoggingController;

class MyController extends AppEventLoggingController
    public function myAction()
        $this->log('my.app.event', ['some-info' => ...], 'notice');

Your services can extend AppEventLoggingService to get the same benefit:

use LinkORB\AppEventBundle\Logger\AppEventLoggingService;

class MyService extends AppEventLoggingService
    public function myMethod()
        $this->log('my.app.event', ['some-info' => ...], 'notice');

        // by omission of the third argument, log() will log to the minimum log
        // level, which is whatever you set in the Monolog handler config
        $this->log('my.app.event', ['some-info' => ...);

        // you can also call the logger methods directly, but only do this
        // when the bundle is configured in all environments
        $this->appEventLogger->error('my.app.event', ['some-info' => ...]);


You need to create a Monolog configuration for each of the environments in which the bundle is enabled (which by default is all of them). Put this in each of the Monolog config files:

    - app_event
      type: stream
      path: "%kernel.logs_dir%/app-events-%kernel.environment%.ndjson"
      level: info
      channels: ["app_event"]

In the above config, we instruct Symfony's Monolog Bundle to create an additional Logger service with the name monolog.logger.app_event and to create an instance of Monlog's StreamHandler which will be used by our logger to write to the file at path. The minimum logging level for our logger is set to INFO. This is the minimum you need to do to configure the logger, but there are a few extra things you can configure.

The following configurations can be set independently in each environment, for example you could place the directives in a file named config/packages/prod/linkorb_app_event.yaml. If the bundle has been enabled in every environment then you can configure it simultaneously for all environments in config/packages/linkorb_app_event.yaml.

You can turn off the TokenProcessor which automatically adds information to App events about the authenticated user:

  token_processor: false

You can turn on the TagProcessor which will add your tags to App events:

      tagwithvalue: a-value

Finally there are a few things you can configure that you are unlikely to need.

You can change the name of the logging channel from the default app_event:

  channel_name: "my_channel_name"

Remember to use this channel name instead of app_event in the Monolog config files.

You can also change the name of the logging handler from the default app_events:

  handler_name: "my_handler_name"

Remember to use this handler name instead of app_events in the Monolog config files.

Happy Application Event Logging!