
Symfony 4 Wiki Bundle

Primary LanguagePHP

Symfony 4,5 WikiBundle


Step 1: Download the Bundle

Open a command console, enter your project directory and execute the following command to download the latest stable version of this bundle:

$ composer require linkorb/wiki-bundle

This command requires you to have Composer installed globally, as explained in the installation chapter of the Composer documentation.

Step 2: Enable the Bundle

Then, enable the bundle by adding it to the list of registered bundles in the config/bundles.php file of your project (if it isn't exists yet):

// config/bundles.php

return [
    // ...
    LinkORB\Bundle\WikiBundle\WikiBundle::class => ['all' => true],
    // ...

Create routing file to enable routes from wiki bundle like this: config/routes/linkorb-wiki-bundle.yaml And add loading of routes at next way:

  resource: '@WikiBundle/Controller'
  type: annotation

Step 3: Append twig block in base twig file

  {% block sidebar %}{% endblock %}
  {% block submenu %}{% endblock %}

Step 4: Enjoy :)

Store/sync wiki's page content on git/GitHub.

The repository this feature supports storing and retrieving wiki page content on git/Github. For that, configure git/Github details into the wiki config field. Currently, support git/GitHub web URL(HTTPS) for pull and push.

Example config in the wiki.config

  - type: git
    url: https://github.com/gitHub-username/wiki-git.git
    secret: `ENV:WIKI_GIT_TOKEN` # defines which env to use as a secret

  - type: git
    url: https://github.com/gitHub-username/wiki-git.git
    secret: `ENV:WIKI_GIT_TOKEN` # defines which env to use as a secret
  • type: push target type option(rest, clickup, git) Currently support only git option.
  • url: GitHub Clone URL(HTTPS) where pull/push content.
  • secret: Personal access tokens for authentication. How to create a personal access token?

Git publish and pull links are in the wiki page admin dropdown.

Note: If the GitHub repository is not empty, Pull first to sync the repository.

Read-only wikis

This feature supports preventing users from editing wiki page content that is being managed in git/Github. For that, set config option into wiki config field.

read-only: true

read-only: boolen true/false value. If this is set to true, the edit and add features are prohibited for the user.