Lotto | Chainlink Automation

I. About

The Lotto contract is a highly configurable proof of concept that can be used with VRF to create and participate in a lottery.

II. Pre-requisites

1. Setup Wallet

  • Install any wallet to your browser (Metamask, etc.)

2. Setup Ganache

  • Install ganache client locally
  • Run ganache
  • Confirm test eth on ganache account
  • Set metamask to ganache network

III. Local Setup

1. Clone repo

$ git clone

2. Setup .env file

# from /root
$ echo "NETWORK=ganache" >> .env
$ echo "LOCAL_RPC_URL=\"\"" >> .env

3. Install dependencies.

# from /root
$ npm install

4. Deploy contract

# from /root
$ make deploy

IV. Run the App

1. Run storybook

# from /root/ui
$ npm storybook

2. View app

  • Open browser at localhost:9009

V. Testing

1. Test Contracts

# from root
$ make test-contracts

2. Check test coverage

# from root
$ make coverage