
C#客户端开发库,可用于LinkSign的REST API。使用该客户端可以签署文件和采集印章、签名等信息。

Primary LanguageC#

Frameworks supported

  • .NET 4.0 or later
  • Windows Phone 7.1 (Mango)


The DLLs included in the package may not be the latest version. We recommned using [NuGet] (https://docs.nuget.org/consume/installing-nuget) to obtain the latest version of the packages:

Install-Package RestSharp
Install-Package Newtonsoft.Json

NOTE: RestSharp versions greater than 105.1.0 have a bug which causes file uploads to fail. See RestSharp#742


Run the following command to generate the DLL

  • [Mac/Linux] compile-mono.sh
  • [Windows] compile.bat

Then include the DLL (under the bin folder) in the C# project