
Code-base and data to build models to identify conspiracy theories.

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT


Code-base and data to build models to identify conspiracy theories.

feature selection

use scikitlearn https://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/feature_selection.html

experiment setup

  1. run all experiments on the server (cl servwer) ssh yourusername@cl.indiana.edu
  2. create a virtual environment (optional)
  3. install required libraries (if it shows some library is in need, just type pip3 install packagename)
  4. git clone this repo to the cl server: git clone https://github.com/linkuew/ct_identify.git
  5. go to the code folder, cd ./ct_identify/code
  6. to be updated, git pull
  7. run different python scripts: classify.py, bert_clf.py, feature_selection.py
  8. download all the result files from the server. If you use windows, try WinSCP, if you use Mac, try Cyberduck
  9. upload the results to the onedrive shared folder

Example command line


-d, dataset to use

bf = bigfoot

fe = flat earth

cc = climate change

va = vaccines

pg = pizzagate

-e, dataset to do the evaluation

-f, feature set, either 'word', 'char', 'pos', 'dep', 'tp' (topic word bleaching) or 'wp' (word&pos, which is content word bleaching) this is for classy.py

-r, n-gram range for features, e.g. 1,3, this is for classy.py

-o, the path of the results output folder

-k, number of top features, use 'all' to get all features, this is for feature_selection.py

-s, selection function for features, either 'chi2' or 'mutual_info_classif', this is for feature_selection.py

-p, epoch for training the bert classifier, e.g. 3, this is for bert_clf.py

-r, learning rate for training the bert classifier, e.g. 1e-5, this is for bert_clf.py

-b, batch size for training the bert classifier, e.g. 32, this is for bert_clf.py

Use Command line to run script:

SVM classification (on CL server):

!!! USE python3 in the cl server

python3 classify.py -d bf -e fe -m merge -f word -r 1,3 -o ./result_svm_mix/

python3 classify.py -d bf -e bf -m one -f tp10 -r 1,3 -o ./result_tp10/

Generate topic word bleaching data (on CL server):

python3 topic_word_bleach.py --n_topics 10

Feature Selction (on CL server):

python3 feature_selection.py -d bf -e fe -m merge -f word -r 1,3 -k 1000 -s chi2 -o ./result_feat_mix/

BERT Classification (on Carbonate):

sbatch sbatch_bert.bash

include the following line in the batch file:

python bert_clf.py -d bf -e fe -m merge -p 5 -l 1e-5 -b 5 -o ./result_bert_mix/

Use bash script to run experiments for different parameters:

nohup bash <bash_script_name>

add nohup will let the script not stop when the user logs out

for example, if you want to do experiments on all CTs with the one mode (train on one test on another) using word ngram do feature selection (chi2), try the following:

nohup bash feat_sel.sh

roadmap (temp)


word ngram

The features are 1-3 word ngrams

char ngram


finetune on bert-base model

dep triples

we first use Stanza to do the dependency parsing, then we extract the dependency triples. dependency triples: (word, head of the word, dependency relation tag), for example, John loves Marry, for the word 'john', its head is 'loves', the rel is 'nsubj'

delexicalized features

pos tags

use pos tags as features

bleach content words

replace the content words (noun, verb, adjective, adverb) with their pos tags

bleach topic words

bleach the topic words from LOCO paper

feature selection

try different feature selection methods: 1) chi2 (done!) 2) mutual information 3) select by models: logistic regression or random forest


  1. train on one and test on the others (four)

  2. train on four (same size) and test on one
