repo for paper Prompt Debiasing via Causal Intervention for Event Argument Extraction


repo for paper Prompt Debiasing via Causal Intervention for Event Argument Extraction

Experiment settings

Overall dataset statistics

We evaluate on three common datasets for Event Argument Extraction: ACE05, RAMS, and WikiEvents. ACE05 is a joint information extraction dataset with entity, relation, and event annotations, while RAMS and WikiEvents focus on document-level event extraction. All three datasets are in English and composed of daily news articles. Detailed data statistics are in Table 1.

Dataset ACE05 RAMS WikiEvents
Train 17172 7329 5262
Dev 923 924 378
Test 832 871 492
Train 4859 17026 4552
Dev 605 2188 428
Test 576 2023 566
#Event Type 33 139
#Role Type 22 65

Table 1: Overall statistics of three datasets

Entity Type Balanced Dataset

To study if the entity type of role name in prompts impacts the results, we sample the events whose arguments appear with two entity types: PER and ORG. Only one role for every event is selected to build the dataset. For ACE05, as shown in Table 2, we build the training set by arguments Agent, Adjudicator, and Target, while Entity is the only argument in the test set. For WikiEvents, the test set is composed of Killer and Attacker, and the training set is composed of the rest arguments in Table 3. The data statistics of ETBD is shown in Table 4.

ACE05 WikiEvents
Train 446 208
Dev 44 18
Test 131 144
Train 467 249
Dev 44 19
Test 131 272

Table 2: Data statistics for Entity Type Balanced Dataset

Syntactic Role Balanced Dataset

For each dataset, we sample the arguments whose minimum number as nsubj and pobj is ten to build the SRBD dataset. We use the off-the-shelf tool Spacy V3.3 to annotate dependency roles for every argument. Data statistics are shown in Table 5.

ACE05 RAMS WikiEvents
Train 284 548 168
Dev 64 100 56
Test 66 122 68
Train 295 576 188
Dev 70 107 64
Test 72 134 80

Table 5: Data statistics for Syntactic Role Balanced Dataset

Zero-Shot Learning

Since the event relation can be represented as a graph where an event is linked to others by overlapping arguments, ideally, seen events in the training set and unseen events in the test set should be two different connection components. However, in all three datasets, every event shares at least one common argument with others. Hence, we consider a point biconnected component in the event graph as an event cluster, so that for two events in seen and unseen divisions, they share at most two common arguments. Data statistics are shown in Table 6. The unseen event lists are in Tables 7 and 8.

ACE05 RAMS WikiEvents
Train 2284 6728 2456
Dev 224 859 287
Test 196 738 294
Train 2853 31600 3365
Dev 333 4126 333
Test 278 2972 452

Table 6: Data statistics for Event level Zero-Shot Learning

Distribution Shift

The composition of the distribution shift dataset is very similar to SRBD. The main difference is we select arguments whose dependency role is nsubj for the training and development set and collect pobj arguments in the SRBD test set for testing. Data statistics are shown in Table 9.

ACE05 RAMS WikiEvents
Train 142 274 84
Dev 32 50 38
Test 33 61 68
Train 164 292 105
Dev 41 56 44
Test 42 72 78

Table 9: Data statistics for Distribution Shift experiment

Modified Prompts

To generate the prompt with the largest perturbation while maintaining the semantic meaning, we follow these principles:

  1. All argument names should be included in the newly designed prompts.
  2. The modification of the words used in new prompts should be as few as possible.
  3. The syntactic discrepancy should be as much as possible, specifically, an argument's syntactic role in the new prompt should be different from its old role.
  4. For events where the model performs poorly (<33% in F1), which means our modification may improve performance, and whose event is hard to modify, we keep their prompts unchanged.
Events Arguments
Life.Die Agent
Life.Injure Agent
Movement.Transport Agent
Personnel.Nominate Agent
Justice.Execute Agent
Business.Start-Org Agent
Justice.Arrest-Jail Agent
Justice.Extradite Agent
Transaction.Transfer-Ownership Buyer
Justice.Acquit Adjudicator
Justice.Appeal Adjudicator
Justice.Charge-Indict Adjudicator
Justice.Convict Adjudicator
Justice.Fine Adjudicator
Justice.Pardon Adjudicator
Justice.Sentence Adjudicator
Justice.Sue Adjudicator
Justice.Trial-Hearing Adjudicator
Conflict.Attack Target
Conflict.Demonstrate Entity
Contact.Meet Entity
Contact.Phone-Write Entity
Justice.Fine Entity
Justice.Release-Parole Entity
Personnel.Elect Entity
Personnel.End-Position Entity
Personnel.Start-Position Entity

Table 10: Event types and arguments selected for Entity Type Balanced Dataset of ACE05

WikiEvents Unseen Events
Cognitive.IdentifyCategorize.Unspecified Cognitive.Research.Unspecified
Cognitive.TeachingTrainingLearning.Unspecified Conflict.Defeat.Unspecified
Control.ImpedeInterfereWith.Unspecified Disaster.Crash.Unspecified
Justice.Acquit.Unspecified Justice.ArrestJailDetain.Unspecified
Justice.ChargeIndict.Unspecified Justice.Convict.Unspecified
Justice.InvestigateCrime.Unspecified Justice.ReleaseParole.Unspecified
Justice.Sentence.Unspecified Justice.TrialHearing.Unspecified
Life.Consume.Unspecified Movement.Transportation.Evacuation
Movement.Transportation.IllegalTransportation Movement.Transportation.PreventPassage
Movement.Transportation.Unspecified Personnel.EndPosition.Unspecified

Table 11: Unseen event list in Zero-Shot Learning for WikiEvents

Business.Declare-Bankruptcy conflict.demonstrate.marchprotestpoliticalgathering
Business.End-Org conflict.demonstrate.n/a
Business.Merge-Org government.agreements.rejectnullifyagreementcontractceasefire
Business.Start-Org government.agreements.violateagreement
Conflict.Attack government.formation.n/a
Conflict.Demonstrate government.formation.startgpe
Contact.Meet government.legislate.legislate
Contact.Phone-Write inspection.sensoryobserve.inspectpeopleorganization
Life.Be-Born inspection.sensoryobserve.monitorelection
Life.Die inspection.sensoryobserve.physicalinvestigateinspect
Life.Divorce personnel.endposition.firinglayoff
Life.Injure personnel.endposition.n/a
Life.Marry personnel.endposition.quitretire
Transaction.Transfer-Money personnel.startposition.hiring

Table 12: Unseen event list in Zero-Shot Learning for ACE05 and RAMS.