
Yet another linear chain CRF implementation for Chinese word segmentation in Java.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


Yet another linear chain CRF implementation for Chinese word segmentation in Java.

#Introduction ##Training Data 输入数据格式为:每行一个字,空格,然后是分词标记(BEIS),句子末尾使用一个空行。可以看train.utf8的内容为demo。只能使用UTF-8编码。 ##Usage 核心类为LinearCRF类,应当首先用addTag方法添加Tags,然后用addFunction方法添加特征函数。特征函数对象应当实现IFeatureFunction。 获得数据后,需要用feedDataToBuildFunction将数据传入CRF对象,初始化特征函数。然后迭代多次training函数,训练参数。 最后,用predict方法传入要预测的句子,可以得到预测结果的标记字符串。

#About ##License This project is released under MIT License. Read LICENSE for more details. ##References

  • Chinese Segmentation and New Word Detection using Conditional Random Fields, Fuchun Peng, Fangfang Feng, Andrew McCallum. CoLING 2004
  • Discriminative Training Methods for Hidden Markov Models: Theory and Experiments with Perceptron Algorithms, Michael Collins. EMNLP 2002