Make computer vision in Rust simpler!
, as its name said, is a simple computer vision crate implemented in Rust. It is still in active development.
Put following line into your Cargo.toml
simplecv = "*"
Check for documentation of APIs!
- Simple interface: based on ndarray, all functions in
are easy to use for developers who are familar with MATLAB or numpy + OpenCV. - Simple values: all data are in
type. Users does not need to care the problem lead by performing operations on u8 data. - Simple dependency: use as few extern crates as possible so that it is simple to install and intergrate.
Simply four lines code to obtain the cover image (edge detection result) with Canny's edge detector!
let lenna = imread("lenna.png"); // read file
let lenna = rgb2gray(&lenna); // to gray
let edge = canny_edge(&lenna,
0.5, 0.05, BorderType:: Reflect); // REAL WORK!
imsave_gray(&edge, "canny.png"); // save image
This project is licensed by a BSD 3-caluse. See LICENSE for details.