
The Linn Christmas Tree in the cloud. Local Raspberry Pi driven WS2812 lights and controller; AWS IoT storage of patterns and commands.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Build Status

This details the steps to build and run the Linn IT Christmas tree 2016.

Kit required:


  1. Obtain a certificate for your Thing and register it with AWS IOT. ./generateCertificate.sh will create a certificate, private and public key. It will output the Arn of the certificate which you need to reference for the cloudformation stack. You should download the root ca certificate from Amazon.
  2. Store the certificates in the /certs folder and the Arn in /certs/arn.txt
  3. aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name it-christmas-tree --template-body file://./aws/cloudformation.yaml --parameters ParameterKey=ThingName,ParameterValue=it-christmas-tree ParameterKey=Certificate,ParameterValue=\cat certs/arn.txt``
  4. Copy the defaults.env file to .env and modify as appropriate.