
Notebook and examples related to La Manno and Gyllborg et al. 2016

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Code, notebook and examples related to La Manno and Gyllborg et al. 2016


Install Anaconda: https://www.continuum.io/downloads

After installation, use the conda update command to update conda: conda update conda

To execute the pseudotime analysis R and rpy2 libraries must be installed

Get started

  • Download/Clone the sourcecode
  • Move to the folder cd ipynb-lamanno2016
  • Run jupyter notebook jupyter
  • Select the notebook and run it

Code for R

Code to run Bayesian regression analysis and process posteriors has been ported to R by Satoshi Koyama skoyama427 and it is available at the following repo: BayesianGLM