
This is a demo homework repo(linnil1)

To reproduce the result

git clone git@github.com:linnil1/2021summer_lesson1.git && \
cd 2021summer_lesson1 && \
git branch add_linnil1 && \
git checkout add_linnil1 && \
mkdir -p HW1/Answer && \
echo -e $(find HW1 -name findme.tar.gz) > HW1/Answer/R08631020.txt && \
git add HW1/Answer/R08631020.txt && \
git commit -m "HW1" && \
git push --set-upstream origin add_linnil1 


  1. Install VPN + vscode or VPN + ubuntu + WSL + vscode
    vscode: https://code.visualstudio.com/
    ubuntu+WSL: https://docs.microsoft.com/zh-tw/windows/wsl/install-win10
    github: https://github.com/
    VPN: https://ccnet.ntu.edu.tw/vpn/

  2. Introduce vscode

  3. vscode + ssh remote to Linux system


  1. Introduce vscode git extentions

  2. Introduce linux commands

  3. Introduce PBS

  4. Introduce Docker

  5. Explain homework