Autolab docker-compose

The setup of DSA course judge system for our lab.


Setup all services: autolab, tango, database

git clone github:linnil1/Autolab_Judger.git autolab
cd autolab

git clone
git clone
cp Tango/requirements.txt build_tango
cp Autolab/Gem* build_autolab
cp tango/ Tango/
cp autolab/school.yml Autolab/config/school.yml
cp autolab/database.yml Autolab/config/database.yml
cp Autolab/config/autogradeConfig.rb.template Autolab/config/autogradeConfig.rb
cp Autolab/config/environments/production.rb.template Autolab/config/environments/production.rb
sed -i "s/config.assets.compile.*/config.assets.compile = true/g" Autolab/config/environments/production.rb

and change this lines in docker-compose.yml

  • DOCKER_TANGO_HOST_VOLUME_PATH=/home/linnil1/autolab/tango/volume (change to $PWD/tango/volume)
  • DEVISE_SECRET_KEY: "changeThisSecret"
  • ALL SMTP fields


Note: I separate Tango into differnet containers (one for api server, one for resource manager)

# start
docker-compose up -d

# init db (run this after started if it's first time)
docker exec autolab_main bundle exec rake db:create
docker exec autolab_main bundle exec rake db:reset
docker exec autolab_main bundle exec rake db:migrate

# restart main autolab
docker-compose restart autolab && rm -f autolab/tmp/pids/

# restart all
docker-compose restart

# stop all
docker-compose stop

Then, open localhost:3000 in browser

Disable Registeration (Optional)

If you want create/modify the accounts manually and don't want to setup SMTP email service, you can disable registeration and forgeting password serivce shown in below.

(Not all configs writen in Autolab/config)

e.g. Remove Register page

In Autolab/app/models/user.rb

  devise :database_authenticatable, :registerable,
         :recoverable, :rememberable, :trackable, :validatable,


  devise :database_authenticatable, :rememberable, :trackable, :validatable

Add user


docker exec autolab_main bundle exec rails admin:create_root_user[email,password,first_name,last_name]


It's recommended to add user in the webpage (Manage Course > Manage students)

Add user by command line (Optional)

docker run -it --rm -v $PWD:/app --network autolab_judger_default linnil1/tango python list
docker run -it --rm -v $PWD:/app --network autolab_judger_default linnil1/tango python add "email" "username"
docker run -it --rm -v $PWD:/app --network autolab_judger_default linnil1/tango python passwd "email" "password"

Build Judger (for example)

Setup your own customized judger


cd build_judger

# build dockerfile (fill the name `judger_python` in `VM Image` field (Edit Assessment > Autograder))
docker build . -f judger_python.dockerfile -t judger_python

# prepare required judger files
# autograde-Makefile and autograde.tar
cd autograde
tar cvf autograde.tar autograde

# copy the desitnation (for skiping uploading)
cp autograde* ../autolab/courses/{class_name}/{assignment_name}/

cd ../..

The core of judge is written in runJob in Tango/vmms/,

which is mostly equivalent to args = args + ['cp -r mount/* autolab/; bash -c "cd autolab; make"; cp output/feedback mount/feedback'] (unsafe).


The output of judger look like this

{"scores": {"Q1": 10}}

The autolab will read the last line, and automatically calculate the final score of all the problems in this assessment (see Edit Assessment > PROBLEMS)

Some bugs (I think)

Overwrite the hostname by hostname = "http://autolab:3000" in Autolab/app/helpers/assessment_autograde_core.rb.