
A NTU Martial Art Web

Primary LanguageVueMIT LicenseMIT


NTU Marital Art Union

The page


build data from csv to json

transfer your csv data to json by python3

put your csv in ./data/ with name xxxxx_club.csv(for club data) or xxxxx_common.csv(for boothmap, countdown showtime data)

xxxxx is version number. Like: 105_1

and Run

pip3 install markdown2 --user
python3 data/dataTojson.py

all the format spec are written in dataTojson.py

put your asset like below

├ logo 
├   └ xxx.png
└── img
    ├── 105_1_logo.png
    ├── clublogo
    │   └── 105_1_logo_*.png
    ├── countdown
    │   ├── 105_1_count*_*.jpg
    │   └── 105_1_count*_*_full.jpg
    ├── permanent_logo.png
    └── permanent_logo_small.png

Remind : the picture should shrink

You can use https://tinypng.com/

Remember to put .ico in root

Project Command line


yarn global add @vue/cli
vue create


yarn install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

yarn serve

Compiles and minifies for production

yarn build
cp dist path_your_static_server

If not work(Vue-router is annoying), build development version.

yarn build --mode develop

Lints and fixes files

yarn lint

Customize configuration

See Configuration Reference.

Publish to cloudflare

Edit wrangler.toml

yarn global add @cloudflare/wrangler
wrangler config   # Enter your api
yarn build        # Build to dist/
wrangler preview  # Testing
wrangler publish

For Vue SPA

The vue-router with history mode on will failed by 404.

To redirect the requests to index.html, add worker/index.js to solve, where the code is from https://gist.github.com/simevidas/d8ec51a51b05d4fabee6ddbe90c938ce