
Just For Fun

Primary LanguagePython

Attendence Bot

This project is built for fun.

All the data is save in the NoSQL style (redis, DynamoDB).

Using LineBot as interface. (and use one of Line's important feature: (menu, option selection)

Line bot can customize MENU for every client! Create one for this app by running python menu.py

Line bot creation

Go to LINE Developer setting (https://developers.line.biz/console/)

Providers -> Select yourself -> Channel -> Create channel -> Message API > Use Webhook > webhook URL -> https://your_url/callback

Put Channel secret (In basic) to line_webook and Channel access token (In Messaging API) to line_token in settings.py



  • Python 3.11
  • redis or DynamoDB
# modify the settings
cp settings.default.py settings.py

# and run it in Docker
docker compose up -d


I currently deploy on aws DynamoDB, lambda, API Gateway using Zappa (https://github.com/zappa/Zappa).

In short, Zappa create a serverless WSGI to handle Flask app and deploy them (including packages) to Lambda. And then, corresponded CloudWatch, API Gateway are also setup.

mkdir deploy
cd deploy
cp ../*.py .
cp ../zappa_settings.json .
zappa deploy dev

Then, rename your webhook url (In LINE) to https://{restapi_id}.execute-api.{region}.amazonaws.com/dev/callback

or add your custom domain to API Gateway by assigning domain and certificate_arn in zappa_settings.json.

