
Happy birthday to Cirycle

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Cirycle 2022 birthday web

We collect all the tweets with tag "Cirycle生日快樂2022"

And assemble into a big star !


  • web: Nuxt3 (Using Vue composition API)
  • collect, assemble the star and data server: python3


For development:

# install packages
yarn install
# start a developing web server
yarn dev
# start a example data serving server
python3 serve_json_data.py

Data Preparation

Register twitter developer(https://developer.twitter.com/en/portal/dashboard), and get the token then save in twitter_secret.py (You can copy from template twitter_secret.example.py)

After all prepared, just run

python3 tweets_to_starts.py

This script will

  • Retrieve tweets and save into database (tweets.json)
  • Download image or Generate image if it's text-only tweet
  • Assign color and position of each image
  • Save the result into json (tweets_cirycle.json)
  • Upload image and json to KV

Web architecture

  • I deploy on Clouflare Worker, all the data are served in KV
  • server/api/tweets.ts is the server script to output tweets json from KV
  • server/api/image.ts is the server script to output binary image data from KV
  • pages/index.vue The main page
  • components/tweet.vue This define how to show each of tweet image
  • components/star.vue It arranage all the tweet image on the canvas
  • components/lighthouse.vue Popup the tweet when click on it

Some basic wrangler (Cloudflare worker) operator

# Create a namespace
wrangler kv:namespace create cirycle_2022_birthday
# upload image
wrangler kv:key put --namespace-id=b90dbe1acf46420f908611387f0bcd08 xx.png --path ./xx.png
# upload json
wrangler kv:key put --namespace-id=b90dbe1acf46420f908611387f0bcd08 tweets_cirycle.json --path ./tweets_cirycle.json
# publish the web
wrangler publish


When I use Cloudflare as image server, I found this bug https://github.com/nuxt/framework/issues/3982



BUT the media in assets/* and public/* have copyright. Don't use it for any other usage.