
A simple discord bot that mirror youtube chat to discord channel

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A simple discord bot that mirror youtube chat to discord channel


git clone https://github.com/linnil1/sync-ytchat-to-discord
cd sync-ytchat-to-discord
pip3 install -r requirments.txt


Add a bot into your channel and edit discord token in env.py


python3 listen_discord.py


.synchat start EfzvWiFANYg
.synchat stop EfzvWiFANYg

The bot will start reading the chat in EfzvWiFANYg and post message in the same channel when there have more chats.



  • Monitor multiple videos in same time
  • Add or del videos in command
  • Better design of embed form
  • Recover after break(Now I write id in ./state not in redis)
  • Write chat into database(Now the chat is appended in each file ./chat/xx.xx.data)
  • unit test
  • user/channel permission
  • Automatically start to sync the chat from specific channel (This would take lots of works dealing with subscribtion and feeds)