Requirements | Current State | To do | Finished
- Stream video from camera is not needed
- Get timestamped RR intervals in millisecond accuracy
- Get real-time RR intervals relating to the tasks
- Finished the front-end of Questionnaire data collection (choice questions and scale questions)
Can read heart rate data from Apple Watch
Can get image samples from camera in milliseconds accuracy, show data in real-time and calculate heart rate every 2 seconds using interval time between latest 2 heartbeats
- Record the video
- Store the video to cloud
- Read references and process sample images
- How to process sample images?
- Detect spikes to calculate HR and HRV
- Build back-end platform to store data
- User info input
- Improve User Interface
- Images need to be replaced
- Add Back button
- Label layout
- Update real-time waveform
- Higher temporal resulotion(30 Hz to 60 Hz)