Otama is short for Otamajakushi which means tadpole.
Otama is an abstraction built for Deno KV which still exposes a simple KV API but with a lot of syntactic sugar to make development easier!
First we should initialize the Ota object. Ota forces a strong definition of your KV schema which allows for type checking!
// example.ts
import { open } from "https://deno.land/x/otama/mod.ts";
const ota = await open(
tables: {
servers: {
name: "nullable string",
user_count: "number",
users: {
name: "string",
email: "string",
} as const,
Ota has strong typings for tables, meaning you'll never accidentally put invalid data into your KV store again!
await ota.servers.set("demo", {
name: "Demo Server",
user_count: 0,
// description: "This is a demo server", // This would error during type checking!
Ota makes atomic operations as simple as possible. Use the same operations you are used to but now they're magically atomic!
await ota.atomic(async () => {
await ota.users.set("new_user", {
name: "New User",
email: "example@example.com",
const server = await ota.servers.get("demo");
await ota.servers.update("demo", {
user_count: server.user_count + 1,
Run the example using the following command
$ deno run --unstable https://deno.land/x/otama/example.ts