Simple Web api used to read and write RaspberryPi GPIO states. Change your gpio states by URL (usefull for domotic project) No programming knowledge needed
This API is composed byt a GPIO web test :
And an acces to GPIO by a simple URL:
- Read GPIO (input or output)
will return 0 if GPIO is Down, 1 if GPIO is up (-1 if error)
example, read GPIO 12 state (GPIO number is set in BCM mode)
- Write GPIO (output)
will set the gpio with the state and return 0 if GPIO is Down, 1 if GPIO is up (-1 if error)
example, set GPIO 12 up (GPIO number is set in BCM mode)
example, set GPIO 13 down (GPIO number is set in BCM mode)
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your RaspberryPi.
To facilitate installation, everything is include in the project. You just need a raspberry Pi (every versions working) with Raspbian OS installed To install Raspbian, see :
- Open a terminal :
Ctrl + Alt + T
- Clone simple-gpio-api project in home folder (/home/pi):
git clone /home/pi/simple-gpio-api
If git is not installed or if you don't want to use it, you can copy simple-gpio-api folder manually into your home folder (/home/pi)
- Open a terminal :
Ctrl + Alt + T
- Run setup script
sudo sh simple-gpio-api/
and it's done
- Open a terminal :
Ctrl + Alt + T
- Run start script
sh simple-gpio-api/
Don't close the terminal to keep API alive.
By default, every GPIO are set to OUTPUT, if you want to set some GPIO as Input, edit the config.INI file in simple-gpio-api folder list all GPIO number (in BCM mode) you want as Input in gpio_input line, separated by space example:
gpio_input = 2 3 4 17
Restart the script to change GPIO functions
You can use this API directly by your browser. Available commands :
- Read GPIO : http://{IP_RASPBERRY}/gpio/{gpio_number}
- Write GPIO : http://{IP_RASPBERRY}/gpio/{gpio_number}/{gpio_state}
- GPIO Test: http://{IP_RASPBERRY}
- API documentation: http://{IP_RASPBERRY}/doc
If you want to launch automatically the script at RaspberryPi startup
- Open a terminal :
Ctrl + Alt + T
- launch theses commands :
sudo cp /home/pi/simple-gpio-api/simple-gpio-api.service /etc/systemd/system
sudo systemctl enable simple-gpio-api.service
- reboot your raspberryPi (the API will run without terminal. You can test it directly with you browser)
I use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
- David Audran - Initial work - Website