
Linode Ansible Collection

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Linode Ansible Collection

Ansible Galaxy Tests

The Ansible Linode Collection contains various plugins for managing Linode services.

Ansible version compatibility

This collection has been tested against following Ansible versions: >=2.9.10.

Plugins and modules within a collection may be tested with only specific Ansible versions. A collection may contain metadata that identifies these versions. PEP440 is the schema used to describe the versions of Ansible.


Modules for managing Linode infrastructure.

Name Description
linode.cloud.api_request Make an arbitrary Linode API request.
linode.cloud.database_mysql Manage a Linode MySQL database.
linode.cloud.database_postgresql Manage a Linode PostgreSQL database.
linode.cloud.domain Manage Linode Domains.
linode.cloud.domain_record Manage Linode Domain Records.
linode.cloud.firewall Manage Linode Firewalls.
linode.cloud.firewall_device Manage Linode Firewall Devices.
linode.cloud.image Manage a Linode Image.
linode.cloud.instance Manage Linode Instances, Configs, and Disks.
linode.cloud.ip_assign Assign IPs to Linodes in a given Region.
linode.cloud.ip_rdns Manage a Linode IP address's rDNS.
linode.cloud.ip_share Manage the Linode shared IPs.
linode.cloud.lke_cluster Manage Linode LKE clusters.
linode.cloud.lke_node_pool Manage Linode LKE cluster node pools.
linode.cloud.nodebalancer Manage a Linode NodeBalancer.
linode.cloud.nodebalancer_node Manage Linode NodeBalancer Nodes.
linode.cloud.nodebalancer_stats View a Linode NodeBalancers Stats.
linode.cloud.object_keys Manage Linode Object Storage Keys.
linode.cloud.ssh_key Manage a Linode SSH key.
linode.cloud.stackscript Manage a Linode StackScript.
linode.cloud.token Manage a Linode Token.
linode.cloud.user Manage a Linode User.
linode.cloud.volume Manage a Linode Volume.
linode.cloud.vpc Create, read, and update a Linode VPC.
linode.cloud.vpc_subnet Create, read, and update a Linode VPC Subnet.

Info Modules

Modules for retrieving information about existing Linode infrastructure.

Name Description
linode.cloud.account_availability_info Get info about a Linode Account Availability.
linode.cloud.account_info Get info about a Linode Account.
linode.cloud.child_account_info Get info about a Linode Child Account.
linode.cloud.database_mysql_info Get info about a Linode MySQL Managed Database.
linode.cloud.database_postgresql_info Get info about a Linode PostgreSQL Managed Database.
linode.cloud.domain_info Get info about a Linode Domain.
linode.cloud.domain_record_info Get info about a Linode Domain Record.
linode.cloud.firewall_info Get info about a Linode Firewall.
linode.cloud.image_info Get info about a Linode Image.
linode.cloud.instance_info Get info about a Linode Instance.
linode.cloud.ip_info Get info about a Linode IP.
linode.cloud.ipv6_range_info Get info about a Linode IPv6 range.
linode.cloud.lke_cluster_info Get info about a Linode LKE cluster.
linode.cloud.nodebalancer_info Get info about a Linode NodeBalancer.
linode.cloud.object_cluster_info Get info about a Linode Object Storage Cluster.
linode.cloud.profile_info Get info about a Linode Profile.
linode.cloud.ssh_key_info Get info about the Linode SSH public key.
linode.cloud.stackscript_info Get info about a Linode StackScript.
linode.cloud.token_info Get info about a Linode Personal Access Token.
linode.cloud.type_info Get info about a Linode Type.
linode.cloud.user_info Get info about a Linode User.
linode.cloud.vlan_info Get info about a Linode VLAN.
linode.cloud.volume_info Get info about a Linode Volume.
linode.cloud.vpc_info Get info about a Linode VPC.
linode.cloud.vpc_subnet_info Get info about a Linode VPC Subnet.

List Modules

Modules for retrieving and filtering on multiple Linode resources.

Name Description
linode.cloud.account_availability_list List and filter on Account Availabilities.
linode.cloud.child_account_list List and filter on Child Account.
linode.cloud.database_engine_list List and filter on Managed Database engine types.
linode.cloud.database_list List and filter on Linode Managed Databases.
linode.cloud.domain_list List and filter on Domains.
linode.cloud.event_list List and filter on Linode events.
linode.cloud.firewall_list List and filter on Firewalls.
linode.cloud.image_list List and filter on Images.
linode.cloud.instance_list List and filter on Linode Instances.
linode.cloud.instance_type_list List and filter on Linode Instance Types.
linode.cloud.lke_version_list List Kubernetes versions available for deployment to a Kubernetes cluster.
linode.cloud.nodebalancer_list List and filter on Nodebalancers.
linode.cloud.object_cluster_list List and filter on Object Storage Clusters.
linode.cloud.region_list List and filter on Linode Regions.
linode.cloud.ssh_key_list List and filter on SSH keys in the Linode profile.
linode.cloud.stackscript_list List and filter on Linode stackscripts.
linode.cloud.token_list List and filter on Linode Account tokens.
linode.cloud.type_list List and filter on Linode Instance Types.
linode.cloud.user_list List Users.
linode.cloud.vlan_list List and filter on Linode VLANs.
linode.cloud.volume_list List and filter on Linode Volumes.
linode.cloud.vpc_ip_list List and filter on VPC IP Addresses.
linode.cloud.vpc_list List and filter on VPCs.
linode.cloud.vpc_subnet_list List and filter on VPC Subnets.
linode.cloud.vpcs_ip_list List and filter on all VPC IP Addresses.

Inventory Plugins

Dynamically add Linode infrastructure to an Ansible inventory.



You can install the Linode collection with the Ansible Galaxy CLI:

ansible-galaxy collection install linode.cloud

The Python module dependencies are not installed by ansible-galaxy. They can be manually installed using pip:

pip install --upgrade -r https://raw.githubusercontent.com/linode/ansible_linode/main/requirements.txt

⚠️ NOTE: Python dependencies should always be reinstalled when upgrading collection versions


Once the Linode Ansible collection is installed, it can be referenced by its Fully Qualified Collection Namespace (FQCN): linode.cloud.module_name.

In order to use this collection, the LINODE_API_TOKEN environment variable must be set to a valid Linode API v4 token. Alternatively, you can pass your Linode API v4 token into the api_token option for each Linode module you reference.

The LINODE_UA_PREFIX environment variable or the ua_prefix module option can be used to specify a custom User-Agent prefix.

The LINODE_API_URL environment variable pr the api_url module option can be used to specify a custom API base url.

Example Playbook

- name: create linode instance
  hosts: localhost
    - name: Create a Linode instance    
        label: my-linode
        type: g6-nanode-1
        region: us-east
        image: linode/ubuntu22.04
        root_pass: verysecurepassword!!!
        state: present

For more information on Ansible collection usage, see Ansible's official usage guide.


Use-case examples for this collection can be found here.


GNU General Public License v3.0.

See COPYING to see the full text.