
Checks presence of most popular plugins on WordPress website.

Primary LanguagePython



Build a list of known WordPress plugins based on:

Generated lists can be used to make GET requests for each URL and verify if the directory of a plugin is in /wp-content/plugins/.


git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/linoskoczek/WPluginScanner
cd WPluginScanner

Basic usage


Before first run it is recommended to generate list of plugins. Depending on your need, you might want to run only one of below commands.

python3 crawlpopular.py # to download list of most popular plugins
python3 crawlall.py # to download list of all plugins

This action is not necessary, because this repo contains these files already, but be aware they can be outdated.

Running scanner

By default the scanner will check for presence of all possible plugins. Be aware that firewalls can block you!

python3 wppluginscanner.py http://examplewpsite.com

To run scanner on downloaded file with popular plugins use this command:

python3 wppluginscanner.py http://examplewpsite.com -m POPULAR


$ python3 wpluginscanner.py --help     
usage: wpluginscanner.py [-h] [-t THREADS | -s SLEEP] [-m METHOD] [-o OUTPUT]
                         [-l LOGLEVEL] [-p POPULAR_SOURCE] [-a ALL_SOURCE]
                         [-d PLUGINSDIR] [--proxy PROXY]
                         [--http-auth HTTPAUTH]

Parses command.

positional arguments:
  wordpress_url         URL to WordPress site, example:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -t THREADS, --threads THREADS
                        number of threads to use for scanning; sleep is set to 0; default: 7
  -s SLEEP, --sleep SLEEP
                        time in miliseconds between requests; threads are set to 1; default: 0
  -m METHOD, --method METHOD
                        scan method: ALL or POPULAR, default: ALL
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        output file for found plugins, default: 2021-04-11 23:24:21.txt
  -l LOGLEVEL, --log-level LOGLEVEL
                        logging level; ALL = 2, DEFAULT = 1, RESULTS_ONLY = 0
  -p POPULAR_SOURCE, --popular_source POPULAR_SOURCE
                        location of a file with plugins to check with POPULAR_SCAN; default: popular.txt
  -a ALL_SOURCE, --all_source ALL_SOURCE
                        location of a file with plugins to check with ALL_CRAWL; default: all.txt
  -d PLUGINSDIR, --plugins-dir PLUGINSDIR
                        wp-plugins directory location, default: /wp-content/plugins/
  --proxy PROXY         
                        proxy to direct the requests through, IP:PORT format, default: ''
  --http-auth HTTPAUTH  
                        basic authentication, user:password format, default: ''

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