
All puzzles used by the Lichess tactics trainer

Lichess Puzzle DB

Update (Dec 22, 2020): Lichess has published a new set of puzzles in the public domain here: https://database.lichess.org/#puzzles

This is a snapshot of all 64,214 puzzles used by the Lichess tactics trainer as of December 2020.

Each file in the puzzles/ directory is a pretty-printed JSON data file containing puzzle data in the following format:

  "id": 61053,
  "rating": 1745,
  "attempts": 1819451,
  "fen": "r2q1rk1/p1p1b1pp/2b2P2/2p5/3pnB2/5N2/PPPNQPPP/R4RK1 b - - 0 15",
  "color": "white",
  "initialPly": 30,
  "gameId": "XpecPKXm",
  "lines": {
    "e2e6": {
      "g8h8": {
        "e6c6": {
          "a8b8": "win"
  "vote": 30843,
  "enabled": true


  • Number of puzzles: 64214
  • Lichess puzzle ID range: 61053 to 125272
  • These puzzles were deleted by Lichess
    • All puzzles from 1 to 61052
    • Puzzles 61879, 64203, 66836, 67722, 79780, 108779