
A json online view

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A json online viewer and formatter.


  • format the json string into well looking.
  • verification json format and tell where the erroris.
  • compress json string to a single string.
  • highlight js value in different style by it's type.
  • fold and expand the object and array value.
  • fold all and expand all.
  • identify link tags to <a>...</a> .
  • save current json data to local.
  • all saved json lists view and fill data to current view and remove it.
  • switch between themes
  • share to other online

develop and deploy

Some resources such as font and svg must be run at a server. I recommand to use webon

install webon

webon is help to develop and deploy a static site. run

npm install webon -g


You need to do some configuration with webon init


Just run

webon s


webon deploy


Apache License 2.0