
LiveRender is an open source cloud gaming system.

Set up


Microsoft Visual Studio (c++) 2010 (If you want to quick start, you can install Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package,

DirectX SDK 9.0 c (Recommended: DXSDK_Jun10 version, the version released in June 2010,


Downloading the source code

The project includes four subproject: game_server for server side, game_client for client side, loader for initializing game process and network, utility as a set of utility classes. Dependencies: game_client and game_server depend on D3D library and utility, and loader depends on utility.

Properties Configuration

Adding include directories:

Selecting game_client project, "Properties"-->"Configuration Properties" --> "C/C++" --> "General" --> "Additional Include Directories", add "DirectX SDK Directory\Include", and the same for game_server. Add "\utility" to game_client, game_server and loader include directories.

Adding linker library:

Selecting game_client project, "Properties"-->"Configuration Properties" --> "Linker" --> "General Additional Library Directories", add "DirectX SDK Directory\Lib\x86"(target to 32bit program). The same for game_server.

Configuration Type.

"Properties"-->"Configuration Properties" --> "General" --> "Configuration Type". Select .exe for game_client and loader, and .dll for game_server.

Quick Start

You can start with our pre-compiled exe files for Windows x86(with Visual Studio C++ 2010).

Server Side

Copy files: "game_server.conf", "game_server.dll", "loader.exe" and "SDL2.dll" from "Release" directory to the game directory. Make sure these files are standing in the same directory of the game exe file. Run the "loader.exe".

Client Side

Copy files: "game_client.conf", "game_client.exe", "SDL2.dll" to a folder. Configurate "game_client.conf", set ip address to the server's ip. Then shit + right mouse-clicking, choose "Open a command window here". Use commands: game_client game_name, here game_name refers to the game(name of game exe) you want to start in the server side. For example, game_client trine.

Game test cases


Shadowrun returns:



Unity Angry Bots:

About us

This project is developed by Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Service Computing Technology and System Lab, and Cluster and Grid Computing Lab. Our lab website is If you have any questions, pls contact with Li Lin ( For more details, you can find them in "Li Lin, Xiaofei Liao, Guang Tan, Hai Jin, Xiaobin Yang, Wei Zhang, Bo Li. LiveRender: A Cloud Gaming System Based on Compressed Graphics Streaming. In Proc. of the 22nd ACM International Conference on Multimedia(MM'14), ACM, 2014: 347-356."