
:link: AngularJS Object Database Model

Primary LanguageJavaScript


AngularJS Object Database Model brings abstract model handling with locale storage "database" support. Pure model handling with local storage used as persistence. Angular-odm provides a bit logic of active record model handling known from popular MVC Frameworks.


bower install angular-odm


Check out this demo application here http://www.linslin.org/angular-odm-demo/. Demo sourcecodes can be found here https://github.com/linslin/ng-odm-angularjs-demo.

Quick controller examples

Load user data

 * Load user on scope, init scope data.
$scope.users = userModel.findAll();

Add a single record

 * Add a user (no validation, simple)
 * @param {object} user
$scope.addUser = function (user) {

    //Setup user model
    userModel.ID = null;
    userModel.firstname = user.firstname;
    userModel.surname = user.surname;
    userModel.email = user.email;

    //Save to local storage db
    if(userModel.save()) {
        // success handling here
    } else {
        //error handling here

Delete a single record

 * Delete a user by primary key
 * @param {number} userId
$scope.deleteUser = function (userId) {

    //Delete user by primary key
    if(userModel.deleteByPk(userId)) {
        // success handling here
    } else {
        //error handling here

Delete all records

 * Delete all users
$scope.cleanupUsers = function () {

    //Delete user by primary key
    if(userModel.deleteAll()) {
        // success handling here
    } else {
        //error handling here

Handle your model abstract:

  • model.save();
  • model.update();
  • model.findAll();
  • model.findByPk();
  • model.findByAttributes();
  • model.findAllByAttributes();
  • model.countAll();
  • model.countByAttributes();
  • model.deleteByPk();
  • model.deleteByAttributes();
  • model.deleteAll();
  • model.validate();


Note that you need to configure your database and models to make angular-odm work. Here is a example structure on how your AnguarJS application could be build up with angular-odm. Maybe it helps.

+-- images
+-- scripts
|   +-- config
|       +-- odm.config.js
|   +-- controllers
|       +-- main.controller.js
|   +-- models
|       +-- user.model.js
+-- views
|   +--main.html
+-- bower_components
|   +-- .
|   +-- ..
+-- bower.json
+-- index.html

Include the scripts (may included by bower automatically).

One dependency over here: localStorageDB.

<script src="/path/to/angular-odm.js"></script>
<script src="/path/to/localStorageDb.js"></script>

Create ODM configuration

The configuration module needs to be named ODMConfiguration with a constant defined as ODM. For example in a app/config directory. Naming is strict. All Database configurations will be placed here. Here is a example database setup with three tables in it. Database schema will automatically created on AngularJS application startup.

 * angular-odm default configuration
 * @name        ODMConfiguration
 * @author      Nils Gajsek <nils.gajsek@linslin.org>
 * @copyright   2015 linslin.org
 * @package     angular-odm
 * @version     1.0
(function () {

    //use strict -> ECMAScript5 error reporting
    'use strict';

    // ################################################ AngularJS Module define // #####################################

     * ODM constant, ODM default main configuration.
     * @name ODMConfiguration
    angular.module('ODMConfiguration', []).constant('ODM', {
        dbSchema: {
            name: 'exampleDb',
            tables: [
                    name: 'user',
                    resetOnInit: false,
                    columns: [ // localStorageDB is automatically adding a unique ID attribute to every table.
                        {name: 'firstname', type: 'text'},
                        {name: 'surname', type: 'text'},
                        {name: 'email', type: 'text'},
                        {name: 'web', type: 'text'}
                    name: 'userGroup',
                    resetOnInit: false,
                    columns: [ // localStorageDB is automatically adding a unique ID attribute to every table.
                        {name: 'title', type: 'text'}
                    name: 'userGroupHasUser',
                    resetOnInit: false,
                    columns: [ // localStorageDB is automatically adding a unique ID attribute to every table.
                        {name: 'userId', type: 'integer'},
                        {name: 'groupId', type: 'integer'}

Create your models.

You will need to define your model and its attributes which will associate with localStorageDB. You could do that in a app/model directory. Define your model attributes by using self._attributes. Hint that self._attributes object needs to be defined database configuration as well, else the model will not be persisted in locale storage. Change self._table to connect a model to a datebase table which should be defined in ODM configuration constant.

 * User model
 * @name        model.user
 * @author      Nils Gajsek <info@linslin.org>
 * @copyright   Nils Gajsek
 * @package     angular-odm
 * @version     1.0
(function () {

    //use strict -> ECMAScript5 error reporting
    'use strict';

    // ################################################ angularJS Module define // #####################################

     * User Model, Application model.
        .module('model.user', []) // [-_-]
        .factory('userModel', ['$odm', userModel]);

     * User model object
     * @param {object} $odm
     * @returns {self}
    function userModel($odm) {

        //Init object
        var self = this;

        //define model object table
        self._table = 'user';

        //define model attributes configuration
        //every attribute is access able via "modelclass.attributeKey"
        // HINT: "modelclass.ID" is automatically added by localStorageDB
        self._attributes = [
            {name: 'firstname', type: 'text'},
            {name: 'surname', type: 'text'},
            {name: 'email', type: 'text'},
            {name: 'web', type: 'text'}

        //Init model and return -> will merge modelChild and parent class
        return $odm.model().getInstance().init(self);

Include application module dependencies

Add those modules into your application main module like in the following example. Don't forget to load your resources into dom. =)

    .module('angularDemoApp', [


Abtract hierarchy object diagram


Primary key handling

A primary key and its attribute is automatically generated by localStorageDB on all models. You can access the primary key via model.ID.

// null|number

DB configuration

You need to setup a strict database configuration AngularJS module named ODMConfiguration including a constant named ODM. Please add ODMConfiguration module into your main application module like angular.module('angularApp', ['ODMConfiguration']).

 * ODM constant. Application default main configuration.
 * @name ODMConfiguration
angular.module('ODMConfiguration', []).constant('ODM', {
    dbSchema: { 
        name: 'exampleDb',                       // string         Database name, will create a record local storage with 'db_' alias.
        tables: [                                // array          Array of table configuration
                name: 'tableName',               // unique string  Tablename
                resetOnInit: false,              // true|false     Will be reset table data on table init e.g. reload. 
                columns: [                       // array          LocalStorageDB is automatically adding a unique ID attribute to every table.
                        name: 'firstAttribute',  // unique string  Attribute name
                        type: 'text'             // text|integer   Datatype of attribute, will be validated before transactions. 
                        name: 'secondAttribute', // unique string  Attribute name
                        type: 'integer'          // text|integer   Datatype of attribute, will be validated before transactions. 

Model configuration

You will need to define your model and its attributes which will associate with localStorageDB. You could do that in a app/model directory. Define your model attributes by using self._attributes. Hint that self._attributes object needs to be defined database configuration as well, else the model will not be persisted in locale storage. Change self._table to connect a model to a datebase table which should be defined in ODM configuration constant.

 * Example model, ODM.
    .module('model.exampleModel', []) // [-_-]
    .factory('exampleModel', ['$odm', exampleModel]);

 * Example model object
 * @param {object} $odm
 * @returns {self}
function exampleModel($odm) {

    //Init object
    var self = this;

    //define model object table
    self._table = 'tableName';         // string     Name of table to associate with at local storage database. Table data is defined in OMD configuration constant. 

    //define model attributes configuration
    //every attribute is access able via "modelclass.attributeKey"
    // HINT: "modelclass.ID" is automatically added by localStorageDB
    self._attributes = [
            name: 'secondAttribute',    // unique string  Attribute name
            type: 'integer'             // text|integer   Datatype of attribute, will be validated before transactions. 
            name: 'secondAttribute',    // unique string  Attribute name
            type: 'integer'             // text|integer   Datatype of attribute, will be validated before transactions. 

    //Init model and return -> will merge modelChild and parent class
    return $odm.model().getInstance().init(self);

Model API


Holds ID (pk) of model.


    // search for first user in db with name 'bob'
    var userData =  userModel.findByAttributes({name: 'bob'});
    //log user ID
    // 3
    //log user ID via userModel. Attributes will be mapped on model side too. 
    // 3


Function will save a model values into local storage.


    // search for first user in db with name 'bob'
    userModel.ID = null;            // reset ID before save, could be set by previous transactions.
    userModel.name = 'Frank';       // set name attribute
    userModel.surname = 'TheTank';  // set surname attribute
    // try save model into database
    if (userModel.save()) {
         // all your success godness here ...
    } else {
        //log errors


Function will update a single model record depending on attribute values.


    // search for first user in db with name 'bob'
    userModel.ID = null; // reset ID before save, could be set by previous transactions.
    userModel.findByAttributes({name: 'bob'});
    if (userModel.ID !== null) {
        //update name attribute
        updateColumns = {
           name: 'New Name'
        // try update model
        if (userModel.update(updateColumns)) {
             // all your success godness here ...
        } else {
            //log errors


Function will return array of all rows in database.


    // search for first user in db with name 'bob'
    var users = userModel.findAll();
    if (users.length > 0) {
        angular.forEach(users, function (user, key) {


Function will search a single model record depending on primary key.


    // search for first user in db with name 'bob'
    var userData = userModel.findByPk(3);
    if (userData.length > 0) {
       // Bob


Function will search a single model record depending on search attributes.


    // search for first user in db with name 'bob'
    var userData = userModel.findByAttributes({name: 'BoB', email: 'bob@cynclairoito.com'});
    if (userData.length > 0) {
       // Bob


Function will search multiple rows depending on search attributes.


    // search for users with name 'Frank'.
    var searchUser = userModel.findAllByAttributes({name: 'Frank'});
    if (searchUser.length > 0) {
        angular.forEach(searchUser, function (user, key) {


Function will count all records of a model in database.


    // count all users
    var count = userModel.countAll();
    // 15


Function will count all record of a model in database filtered by attributes.


    // count all users
    var franks = userModel.countByAttributes({name: 'Frank'});
    console.log(franks + ' Franks in database.');
    // 15 Franks in database.


Function will delete a record by primary key.


    // try delete user with ID = 3;
    if (userModel.deleteByPk(3)) {
         // all your success godness here ...
    } else {
        //log errors


Function will delete all records with matching attribute values.


    // try delete all 'Frank' users. Byby Frank's. 
    if (userModel.deleteByAttributes({name: 'Frank'})) {
         // all your success godness here ...
    } else {
        //log errors


Function will delete all records of a model.


    // try delete all users
    if (userModel.deleteAll()) {
         // all your success godness here ...
        // 0
    } else {
        //log errors


You can call validate manually. It will validate model attribute values depending on model attribute definition. Is automatically called before a database transaction.


    //setup invalide user with integer name
    userModel.ID = null
    userModel.name = 123;
    //try validate 
    if (userModel.validate()) { 
         // all your success godness here ...
    } else {
        //log errors


Version 0.0.6

  • Added model attribute datatype boolean.

Version 0.0.5

  • Final fix: model.update() -> added missing setup self._attributes.

Version 0.0.4

  • Added param validate on model.update().
  • Updated readme.md at part model.update().

Version 0.0.3

  • Fixed model.update() -> added missing setup self._attributes.

Version 0.0.2

  • Fixed missing auto init odm.db.init() call on module load.

Version 0.0.1

  • First stable release