Think "Swiss Army Toothpick", a bunch of small, self-contained tools oriented towards the python sysadmin. Something you can "wget" onto a rescue image or download to your ~/bin directory to give you little tools.
$ pyk e 0o755
$ pyk e 'oct(493)'
$ pyk e '0.062*24*30'
$ pyk rpn 0.062,24,30xx
$ pyk modulefile argparse
$ pyk random --max 10000
$ pyk zoneoffset
Sat 2023-04-29 10:38:26 MDT -0600
- allow Allow a connection through the firewall.
- eval (e) Evaluate a Python expression and return the result. Can be used as a simple infix calculator.
- modulefile (mf, modfile) Print out the "file" attribute of the specified module, so you can take a peek at the source.
- password (pw, gpw) Generate a random password.
- send Connect to a socket and send data to it.
- split Filter to read stdin/file and print the specified columns.
- receive (recv) Listen on a socket and when a connection comes in read data from it.
- rsend Listen on a socket and when a connection comes in send data to it.
- rreceive (rrecv) Connect to a socket and read data from it.
- random Print out a random number.
- rpncalc (rc, rpn) An RPN desk calculator, use comma like Enter and 'x' can be used for multiply.
- zoneoffset (z) Print the current timezone offset from GMT.
- Python 3
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