Postgres-GPT combines pgvector and OpenAI to make a SQL-based knowledge repository from Markdown files that allows easy access to relevant information from multiple documents in a natural language format.
- abdfnx@paber-ai
- ai-smalleryu
- cdolan92SEQ Holdings, LLC
- dhayes074
- elans2
- fstfwd
- hawkingggChongQing China
- joechenrhDaSE@ECNU, @dase955, @pingcap
- kbakdevPoland
- leiysky@datafuselabs
- lichuangGuangzhou
- liuzihua699home
- PsiACE@vesoft-inc | @apache
- Salmon-BardJordan
- ssunggun2GSDS, SNU
- sundy-lidatafuselabs
- tangyiyongsuperbebe
- tx910322
- XuxiaotuanSSC-hn
- ybtsdstChina, Beijing
- yjh1313
- ZeaLoVeFuzhou.China
- zhouliiSS