
Experiment UI - Library write in Vue.js

Primary LanguageVue

Experiment UI [WIP]

Experiment UI - Library write in Vue 3 that will assist you in your project, providing visual components to facilitate the development of your application.

Netlify Status Release - CI


# If you use npm: 
npm i experiment-ui

# Or if you use Yarn: 
yarn add experiment-ui

# Or if you use pnpm:
pnpm add experiment-ui


After installing, add ExperimentUI to your vue instance.

  • In main js/ts:
import { createApp } from 'vue';
import { ExperimentUI } from 'experiment-ui';
import App from './app.vue';

  • In template:
  <h-button>My button</h-button>


Experiment UI Doc


Guides: Click here, and discovery how to develop