
just another thing

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Build Status

Just another library to save you a few lines when doing prototypal inheritance. To tell you the truth, the real purpose of this project is to teach myself how to build and release a tested project with CI to NPM and the idea for the library just happened to be on my mind.

Project Setup

npm init
npm install -g grunt-cli
npm install --save-dev grunt
npm install --save-dev karma
npm install --save-dev phantomjs
npm install --save-dev grunt-bump
npm install --save-dev grunt-karma
npm install --save-dev karma-jasmine
npm install --save-dev karma-phantomjs-launcher
npm install --save-dev grunt-contrib-uglify
grunt test

Continuous Integration Setup

Travis CI is a continuous integration service. That means they provide the platform which verifies your code checkins with automated builds. This is a development practice known as continuous integration. The main goal of CI is to smooth the process of code integration in a shared repository by checking every change. This allows developers to catch problems early and thus allow them to develop more rapidly and with greater confidence.

To get started, sign up for the free trial and enable the Travis integration with your Github account. Read the rest of the instructions here.

Publish to NPM

The two fields you definitely need in your package.json file are the author and version fields. If you have a solid package.json, go ahead and register a user account with the NPM registry. You will be publishing the package under this user.

npm adduser

Once you complete account registration, you can check out your user profile on NPM by going to www.npmjs.com/~<USERNAME>. Now, you can publish your NPM package!

npm publish

Note: make sure that the combination of the package name and the version (<name>@<version>) is unique on NPM. You will not be able to publish successfully otherwise.

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