
What the heckbicuit is this?

I built this as a little hacked-together example of a flask indieweb site. In short, the indieweb is about maintating control of your data and self-publishing on your own site.

I use this to power, my blog. I post my photos, updates, and anything else here and it gets whisked down the internet tubes to all the other social-media sites I use afterwards. This is my hub on the internet.

What state is this project in?


Right now, to varying degrees of effectiveness, it can:

  • recieve entries via a micropub endpoint using indieauth
  • syndicate out to twitter and facebook
  • post images
  • post albums full of images
  • recieve webmentions using
  • send webmentions
  • recieve linked data notifications [NEW AND IMPROVED!]

In short, it has most of the functionality of an indieweb site.

Keep in mind, I'm not a web-developer. That, and I just wanted to build this as rapidly as possible.

There's still a large degree of testing which is yet to be done. Proceed with caution.

How do I use this?

You'll need your own server and domain name. You can register domain names with sites like name cheap and you can get cheap server space with digital ocean. This is a really helpful tutorial on deploying flask apps on digital ocean.

Right now, the details in the template are my own. They details link to my site and my social accounts. This You'll need to change these.

Also, you'll find a folder of config files. Among them are the password and username for the site's login. change these to something private. From there, if you want to syndicate to other sites, you'll need twitter API keys. Find these, add these, and keep them secret.

From there, sign up for indieauth. This allows you to authenicate on other sites using your own domain. These include sites like Own Your Gram, which automatically posts your instagram photos back to your own site; and Quill, an editor which will post notes to your site.

Where is the data stored?

The data is kept as .md files in a folder called data. All other multimedia is kept alongside their respective textual .md files. The data folder is broken down by year/month/day. Additionally we keep a sqlite database which acts as a cache, maintaining the most recent posts, their location, and what tags are associated with them.

Recently Done Things

  1. clean-up the social-media refrences so other people can simply drop their own details in
  2. fetching of reply-to details for presentation
  3. better formatting of reply-to and mentions
  4. better formatting fo entries


  1. (maybe) write a script which auto-magically configures social-keys
  2. testing
  3. Display my syndication information somewhere on the post
  4. Indie-actions allowing people to auto-like, & auto-reply on Instagram
  5. Indie-actions allowing people to auto-like, auto-repost, and auto-reply on Twitter
  6. Web-mention box on the bottom of a page
  7. Search-bar