
There are web-api, recommendation and purchase-history services. web-api is owned by team A, and the other two services are owned by team B.

kubectl create ns web-api-ns
kubectl create ns recommendation-ns
kubectl create ns purchase-history-ns
kubectl label namespace web-api-ns istio-injection=enabled
kubectl label namespace recommendation-ns istio-injection=enabled
kubectl label namespace purchase-history-ns istio-injection=enabled
kubectl apply -f mt/web-api.yaml
kubectl apply -f mt/recommendation.yaml
kubectl apply -f mt/purchase-history-v1.yaml
kubectl apply -f mt/web-api-vs.yaml
kubectl apply -f mt/web-api-gw-https.yaml

For team A (owning web-api-ns), the following resources are updated/added to enforce multi-tenancy:

  • mt/web-api-vs-exportto.yaml
  • mt/sidecar-team-a.yaml
  • mt/web-api-authz.yaml

For team B (owning recommendation-ns & purchase-history-ns), the following resources are updated/added to enforce multi-tenancy:

  • mt/purchase-history-service-exportto.yaml
  • mt/sidecar-team-b.yaml
  • mt/recommendation-authz.yaml
  • mt/purchase-history-authz.yaml

Create the secret:

kubectl create -n istio-system secret tls istioinaction-cert --key mt/certs/ --cert mt/certs/

To access the web-api service:

curl --cacert mt/certs/ca/root-ca.crt -H "Host:" --resolve$GATEWAY_IP