
A Healthcare Provider aggregator app


A mobile application for a provider aggregation by provider officers for managing providers in their network


The following features are meant to be implemented on the app. (Can't list all 😁)

  • View all providers registered in the network
  • View Details of a provider
  • Add Providers
  • Add Images to a providers

Additional Features

  • Update providers details (Active status, description, type etc.)
  • Filter providers based on type and onboarding status
  • Search for providers using provider name or location (Wanted to implement this but time couldn't permit me 😁)


The project uses a clean architecture & MVVM. The following is the major components folders/files of my project

  1. /screens - It is my View, it contains the various screen UI on the app
  2. /providers - This is my view model, which interacts directly with the UI and also with the network service
  3. /models - This contains my model classes
  4. /widgets - This contains my widget
  5. /test - This contains my unit test

Others include: /common /enums /mixins /utils etc

Built With

Following is list of libraries used in app. 1)


Following is list of important wigdets used in app.(Can't list all 😁) 1)



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details