Go JSON Schema Validator Benchmarks (Draft 7 Only)

April 11, 2019


Systems Under Test





  • Tested against https://github.com/json-schema-org/JSON-Schema-Test-Suite/tree/master/tests/draft7 except /optional and refRemote.json (I didn't feel like writing the boilerplate that would allow the remote refs to resolve)
  • Testing for validate() speed, not correct validate() result
  • Timed only canonical use of each implementation according to its own docs, not time spent converting input to the appropriate format for each


  • All qro-io implementation validate() calls succeed with 2 incorrect results and required 3528496 ns to test all cases
  • All xeipuuv implementation validate() calls succeed with no incorrect results and required 6731991 ns to test all cases
  • santosh-tekuri implementation failed at or before validate() for many cases, so I skipped the offending files. There were no incorrect results in cases where validate() succeeded, and it took 23028484 ns to test all cases.
// from BenchmarkSanthosh(), skipped all cases from these files to pass benchmark
if s.src == "definitions.json" ||
    s.src == "ref.json" {
// from BenchmarkSanthosh(), skipped all cases from these files to pass benchmark
if s.src == "const.json" ||
    s.src == "contains.json" ||
    s.src == "enum.json" ||
    s.src == "uniqueItems.json" {

Raw Results

BenchmarkQri-8        	     500	   3528496 ns/op	 1417909 B/op	   20094 allocs/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkQri-8
    $GOPATH\src\github.com\TheWildBlue\validator-benchmarks\validator_test.go:99: incorrect validate. schema file: definitions.json. schema desc: valid definition. test desc: valid definition schema.
    $GOPATH\src\github.com\TheWildBlue\validator-benchmarks\validator_test.go:99: incorrect validate. schema file: ref.json. schema desc: remote ref, containing refs itself. test desc: remote ref valid.
	... [output truncated]
BenchmarkXeipuu-8     	     200	   6731991 ns/op	 4643779 B/op	   63657 allocs/op
BenchmarkSanthosh-8   	      50	  23028484 ns/op	 2527688 B/op	   23763 allocs/op
ok  	github.com/TheWildBlue/validator-benchmarks	16.058s
Success: Benchmarks passed.


qri-io implementation is generally ~2x faster than xeipuu.

xeipuu is generally ~3.5x than santhosh-tekuri, even with many cases skipped for the latter (thus qri-io is generally ~7x faster than santhosh-tekuri).

qri-io does not validate 2 cases from definitions.json and ref.json correctly.

santhosh-tekuri failed for many cases.