
An opinionated Vite starter-kit with Vue 3, TailwindCS, Vitest and unplugin-icons

Primary LanguageVue

Vue 3 + Typescript + Vite + TailwindCSS + Vitest + ESLint + Prettier

This template should help get you started developing with Vue 3 and Typescript in Vite.

Opinionated Starter Kit

Uses the additional following libraries:

  1. Tailwind CSS (because utility-CSS scales better)
  2. Vitest (because running tests should be fast)
  3. Prettier (auto-formats when save in VS Code)
  4. ESLint (Fix problems in your TypeScript Code)
  5. simple-import-sort (Sort import statements)
  6. unplugin-icons (iconify: the definitive icon library)

Getting Started

Make sure you have git and node installed.

Navigate to your desired folder to save the files and execute the following commands:

npx degit https://github.com/linusang/vite-starter-kit.git

// say yes if prompted

npm install

// if you use git

git init

// running the app

npm run dev

// open browser and navigate to http://localhost:3333

Run in the browser

Don't want to clone to your desktop? Just run in the browser!


For Testing

  • Vitest to test business logic (use npm run vitest)


Recommended IDE Setup

VSCode + Vue Language Features + Prettier + ESLint.


  1. Go to icones.js.org.
  2. Select a collection, then do npm install @iconify-json/[collection id] if you don't have the collection installed.
  3. Import in Vue file, eg: import HeroiconsRocketLaunchSolid from '~icons/heroicons/rocket-launch-solid'
  4. In template, use <HeroiconsRocketLaunchSolid/>

Updating dependencies

If you need to install the latest dependencies you can run npx taze to check which npm packages are outdated. Then run npx taze -w if you are sure that the minor versions can be overwritten in package.json. Thereafter, run npm install to install the latest packages.