gd-benchmark scripts

This is some documentation of the gd-benchmark scripts that can run parameter synthesis benchmarks on Gradient Descent in storm-pars, and QCQP and PSO in Prophesy.

Generating benchmarks

One can generate benchmarks with the generate_commands script. The benchmarks are in testcases-paper, testcases-paper-tenpercent or testcases-paper-twentypercent and need to be passed to --folder. For example:

python3 --folder testcases-paper 

This will generate DTMCs from the POMDP files using storm-pomdp. You can look inside these folders, they are made of models and JSON configs for the benchmarks and should be relatively readable. To invoke the test scenarios from the paper, you need to use global-override with the supplied json files, like this:

python3 --folder testcases-paper --global_override all_gd_methods.json

Invoking this script creates a slurm_commands_*.sh and manual_commands_*.sh file and modifies the file to invoke the slurm commands. On the VM, look into the manual commands to see which benchmark you want to re-create. You can also run the entire manual command file, but this will take a long time.

Now, you probably have some ouput files. From this, you can generate a CSV file that contains the performance statistics using process_output.csv. Just put the outputs into the arguments:

python3 process_output *.out

This will create an out_*.csv* file. The data csvs from the paper are in the vmcai-paper-bench/ folder. From this, you can generate scatter plots using, look into vmcai-paper-bench/ for the commands that are used to generate the plots from the paper.