
Ansible Role for relaying e-mails via Mandrill.

Mandrill Relay

Uses postfix to relay all email on the host through Mandrill. Can be used to create a quick and secure nullmailer or a local mail system with local deliverability but which forwards outgoing e-mail via Mandrill.


Requires an active mandrill account and should have an API key ready. Additionally for proper deliverability SPF and DKIM records should be setup correctly for the mandrill service on the domain used.

Tested on CentOS 6, Ubuntu 14.04 and Debian 7.

Role Variables


  • mandrill_relay_username = The username to use for mandrill relaying
  • mandrill_relay_apikey = The api key to use when relaying email for Mandrill (ideally use Ansible Vault).


  • mandrill_relay_hostname = The hostname of this machine
  • mandrill_relay_myorigin = The origin to use when relaying email (default: $mydomain)
  • mandrill_relay_mynetworks = Networks to deliver mail for (defaults to loopback)
  • mandrill_relay_mydestinations = Networks that we deliver mail for locally (leave blank for a nullmailer)
  • mandrill_relay_if = The interface to listen for incoming mails on (default: loopback-only)
  • mandrill_relay_server = The server that is used from Mandrill app (smtp.mandrillapp.com is the default)
  • mandrill_relay_port = The port that is used from Mandrill app (587 is the default)
  • mandrill_relay_tls_key = Keyfile (defaults to snakeoil)
  • mandrill_relay_tls_cert = Certfile (defaults to snakeoil)

Example Playbook

- hosts: servers
     - { role: mandrill_relay, mandrill_relay_username: mandrill@mandrillapp.com, mandrill_relay_apikey=APIKEY }



Author Information

Linus Kendall git@linuskendall.com