
Managing your tasks has never been so easy, especially with a cute Borzoi 🐶

Primary LanguageJava


🤖 BorzAI

"It's not the load that breaks you down, it's the way you carry it." - Lou Holtz (source)

Let BorzAI unleash the full potential of your mind by memorising things you need to do so you don't have to. It is an offline chatbot that can help manage your todos, deadline and events in a tasklist. All you have to do is enter commands to tell it what to do and it will help you manage your tasklist accordingly. With this, you can focus on other things without forgetting what you have to do. It's,

  • simple 🤓
  • fast to learn ⚡️
  • EASY SUPER EASY to use 🤩

And the best part, it is FREE! 🤑


  • Add tasks (todo/deadline/event)
  • Mark and unmark tasks
  • Show tasklist
  • Delete tasks
  • Filter by keyword
  • Filter by date
  • Sort tasks by alphabetical order
  • Sort tasks by date
  • Sort tasks by task type
  • Sort tasks by status(marked/unmarked)
  • 💾 Autosave when tasklist changes
  • Clear all (coming soon)

🚀 Installation

  1. Download the latest version from here.
  2. Copy the jar file into an empty folder.
  3. Open a command window in that folder.
  4. Run the command java -jar BorzAi-{version}.jar e.g., java -jar BorzAI-v1.0.jar (i.e., run the command in the same folder as the jar file).
  5. Let it handle your tasks for you 🌟

📜 Command Summary

Command Description
todo <description> Add todo.
deadline <description> /by <date/time> Add deadline.
event <description> /from <date/time> /to <date/time> Add event.
list Show tasks.
mark <number> Mark task.
unmark <number> Unmark task.
delete <number> Delete task.
filter <keywords...> Filter tasks by keyword(s), separate multiple keywords with commas.
filterdate <dates...> Filter tasks by date(s), separate multiple dates with commas.
sort Sort tasks by alphabet.
sortdate Sort tasks by date.
sorttask Sort tasks by task type.
sortdone Sort tasks by status.

This project is based on the Duke project created by the SE-EDU initiative.