
Repository for WSL-specific apt packages.


This is an apt repository for packages specific to the Windows Subsystem for Linux. (I.e., specifically those packages which depend on WSL- or Windows-specific functionality and as such do not run when installed over a genuine Linux kernel.)

For current package list, see here: https://github.com/cerebrate/wsl-translinux/blob/gh-pages/README.md


To use this repository, add a new file (wsl-translinux.list might be a good name) to your /etc/apt/sources.list.d folder containing the following line (preferred), or else edit your /etc/apt/sources.list file to contain the following line, changing xenial to your appropriate distribution codename (as shown by lsb_release -c):

deb https://cerebrate.github.io/wsl-translinux/ xenial main

Then install the wsl-translinux.key repository signing key. You can do this with the command:

wget -qO - https://github.com/cerebrate/wsl-translinux/blob/master/wsl-translinux.key\?raw\=true | sudo apt-key add -

Then run the following:

sudo apt-get update

After that, you can use apt-get to install packages from this repository as normal.

Package authors

If you would like to have your WSL-specific apt package included in this repository, just send us a pull request against the gh-pages branch with your .deb included in the incoming folder, and we'll get right on that.
