
preconfigure a server for SAP NetWeaver software installations

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

NOTE: Development and maintenance of this software has stopped.

The successor role is sap_netweaver_preconfigure.

For more information, see DISCONTINUATION_NOTICE.md.


This role installs additional required packages and performs additional configuration steps for installing and running SAP NetWeaver. If you want to configure a RHEL system for the installation and later usage of SAP NetWeaver, you have to first run role sap-preconfigure and then role sap-netweaver-preconfigure.


To use this role, your system needs to be configured with the basic requirements for SAP NetWeaver or SAP HANA. This is typically done by running role sap-preconfigure (for RHEL managed nodes before RHEL 7.6, community maintained role sap-base-settings can be used). It is also strongly recommended to run role linux-system-roles.timesync for all systems running SAP NetWeaver, to maintain an identical system time, before or after running role sap-netweaver-preconfigure.


As per SAP notes 2002167 and 2772999, the role will switch to tuned profile sap-netweaver no matter if another tuned profile (e.g. virtual-guest) had been active before or not.

The role can check if enough swap space - as per the prerequisite checker in sapinst - has been configured on the managed node. Please check the SAP NetWeaver installation guide for swap space requirements.

Do not run this role against an SAP NetWeaver or other production system. The role will enforce a certain configuration on the managed node(s), which might not be intended.

Role Variables

Execute only certain steps of SAP notes

If the following variable is set to no, only the installation or configuration steps of SAP notes will be executed or checked. If this variable is undefined or set to yes, all installation and configuration steps of applicable SAP notes will be executed.


Perform installation or configuration steps, or both

If you have set sap_netweaver_preconfigure_config_all (see above) to no, you can limit the scope of the role to only execute the installation or the configuration steps. For this purpose, set one of the following variables, or both, to yes. The default for both is no.


Install required packages for Adobe Document Services

If the following variable is set to yes, required packages for Adobe Document Services according to SAP note 2135057 (RHEL 7) or 2920407 (RHEL 8) will be installed. Default is no.


Run the role in assert mode

If the following variable is set to yes, the role will only check if the configuration of the managed node(s) is according to the applicable SAP notes. Default is no.


Behavior of the role in assert mode

If the role is run in assert mode (see above) and the following variable is set to yes, assertion errors will not cause the role to fail. This can be useful for creating reports. Default is no, meaning that the role will fail for any assertion error which is discovered. This variable has no meaning if the role is not run in assert mode.


Swap space for SAP NetWeaver

When installing SAP NetWeaver, the prerequisite checker verifies if enough swap space is configured. By default, the role checks is there is at least 20480 MB of swap space available. This variable can be used set to the swap space limit to any other value.


Fail if there is less than 20480 MB of swap space configured

If the following variable is set to no, the role will not fail if less than 20480 MB of swap space is configured. Default is yes.


Example Playbook

Simple playbook, named sap+netweaver.yml:

- hosts: all
    - role: sap-preconfigure
    - role: sap-netweaver-preconfigure

Simple playbook for an extended check (assert) run, named sap+netweaver-assert.yml:

- hosts: all
    sap_preconfigure_assert: yes
    sap_preconfigure_assert_ignore_errors: yes
    sap_netweaver_preconfigure_assert: yes
    sap_netweaver_preconfigure_assert_ignore_errors: yes
    - role: sap-preconfigure
    - role: sap-netweaver-preconfigure

Example Usage

Normal run, for configuring server host_1 for SAP NetWeaver:

ansible-playbook sap+netweaver.yml -l host_1

Extended Check (assert) run, not aborting if an error has been found:

ansible-playbook sap+netweaver-assert.yml -l host_1

Same as above, with a nice compact and colored output, this time for two hosts:

ansible-playbook sap+netweaver-assert.yml -l host_1,host_2 |
awk '{sub ("    \"msg\": ", "")}
  /fatal:/{fatal_line=$0; nfatal[host]++}
  /...ignoring/{nfatal[host]--; if (nfatal[host]<0) nfatal[host]=0}
  /^[a-z]/&&/: \[/{gsub ("\\[", ""); gsub ("]", ""); gsub (":", ""); host=$2}
  /SAP note/{print "\033[30m[" host"] "$0}
  /FAIL:/{nfail[host]++; print "\033[31m[" host"] "$0}
  /WARN:/{nwarn[host]++; print "\033[33m[" host"] "$0}
  /PASS:/{npass[host]++; print "\033[32m[" host"] "$0}
  /INFO:/{print "\033[34m[" host"] "$0}
  /changed/&&/unreachable/{print "\033[30m[" host"] "$0}
  END{print ("---"); for (var in npass) {printf ("[%s] ", var); if (nfatal[var]>0) {
        printf ("\033[31mFATAL ERROR!!! Playbook might have been aborted!!!\033[30m Last TASK and fatal output:\n"); print task_line, fatal_line
     else printf ("\033[31mFAIL: %d  \033[33mWARN: %d  \033[32mPASS: %d\033[30m\n", nfail[var], nwarn[var], npass[var])}}'

Note: For terminals with dark background, replace the color code 30m by 37m. In case you need to make an invisible font readable on a terminal with dark background, run the following command in the terminal:

printf "\033[37mreadable font\n"

In case you need to make an invisible font readable on a terminal with bright background, run the following command in the terminal:

printf "\033[30mreadable font\n"


GNU General Public License v3.0

Author Information

Bernd Finger