
Adds Zscaler root certificate into different application CA stores. Currently works only in OSX


git clone https://github.com/sergitopereira/zscaler-cert-app-store.git
pip3 install -r zscaler-cert-app-store/requirements.txt --trusted-host pypi.org --trusted-host pypi.python.org --trusted-host files.pythonhosted.org


python zscaler-cert-app-store -h
usage: zscaler-cert-app-store [-h] [-p] [-d] [-g] [-r] [-c] [-w] [-n] [-l] [-v]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help      show this help message and exit
  -a, --all       Add Zscaler root certificate to all installed applications
  -p, --python    Add Zscaler root certificate to pip and requests.Note that python2 is not supported
  -d, --download  Download Zscaler root certificate from keychain
  -g, --git       Add Zscaler root certificate to git
  -r, --ruby      Add Zscaler root certificate to Ruby
  -c, --curl      Add Zscaler root certificate to curl
  -w, --wget      Add Zscaler root certificate to wget
  -n, --npm       Add Zscaler root certificate to NPM
  -l, --libressl  Add Zscaler root certificate to libressl. This needs to be executed as root
  -v, --version   Script version

In order to install all applications that are installed run the following command

zscaler-cert-app-store -a


if Zscaler root certificate is not downloaded via script, please download to


Script commands

Python3 : The script uses pip-system-certs package and will patch the PIP and requests in oder to use certificates from the default system store rather than the bundled certificates CA

  command: cat ~/.zscaler-cert-app-store/ZscalerRootCertificate.pem >> $(python -m certifi)

NOTE: Python 2 is not supported.

git: The script will run the following command

  command: git config --global http.sslcainfo  ~/.zscaler-cert-app-store/ZscalerRootCertificate.pem/ZscalerRootCertificate.pem

curl: will add CURL_CA_BUNDLE environment variable depending on the user terminal

  command: echo "export CURL_CA_BUNDLE=~/.zscaler-cert-app-store/ZscalerRootCertificate.pem" >> $HOME/.bashrc
  command: echo "export CURL_CA_BUNDLE=~/.zscaler-cert-app-store/ZscalerRootCertificate.pem" >> $HOME/.zshrc

wget: will tun the following command

  command: echo "ca_certificate=~/.zscaler-cert-app-store/ZscalerRootCertificate.pem" >> $HOME/.wgetrc

Ruby: will add SSL_CERT_FILE environment variable depending on user bash

  command: echo "export SSL_CERT_FILE=~/.zscaler-cert-app-store/ZscalerRootCertificate.pem" >> $HOME/.bashrc
  command: echo "export SSL_CERT_FILE=~/.zscaler-cert-app-store/ZscalerRootCertificate.pem" >> $HOME/.zshrc


This need to be executed as root!

cat /home/root/.zscaler-cert-app-store/ZscalerRootCertificate.pem >>/private/etc/ssl/cert.pem

For more information, refer to https://help.zscaler.com/zia/adding-custom-certificate-application-specific-trusted-store#edge-browser