This library provides support for Pulse-Eight's USB-CEC adapter and other CEC capable hardware, like the Raspberry Pi.
You can find a list of frequently asked questions on [libCEC's FAQ page] (http://libcec.pulse-eight.com/faq)
Supported platforms
Linux & BSD
libCEC needs the following dependencies in order to work correctly:
- [libplatform] (https://github.com/Pulse-Eight/platform) 1.0 or later
- udev v151 or later
- cdc-acm support compiled into the kernel or available as module
- [liblockdev] (https://packages.debian.org/search?keywords=liblockdev) 1.0 or later
To compile libCEC on Linux, you'll need the following dependencies:
- [cmake 2.6 or better] (http://www.cmake.org/)
- a supported C++ 11 compiler
- [liblockdev] (https://packages.debian.org/search?keywords=liblockdev) 1.0 development headers
The following dependencies are recommended. Without them, the adapter can not be (fully) auto-detected.
- pkg-config
- udev development headers v151 or later
- X randr development headers
To compile, execute the following commands:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install
Apple OS X
To compile libCEC on OS X, you'll need the following dependencies:
- [libplatform] (https://github.com/Pulse-Eight/platform) 1.0 or later
- [cmake 2.6 or better] (http://www.cmake.org/)
- a supported C++ 11 compiler
- xcode 3.2.6 or later
To compile, execute the following command:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install
Note: You may need to copy pkg.m4 to your m4 sources directory
Microsoft Windows
To compile libCEC on Windows, you'll need the following dependencies:
- [libplatform] (https://github.com/Pulse-Eight/platform) 1.0 or later
- [cmake 2.6 or better] (http://www.cmake.org/)
- [Visual Studio 2013] (https://www.visualstudio.com/)
- [Windows DDK (Driver Development Kit)] (https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/hardware/hh852365.aspx)
- To create an installer, you'll need [Nullsoft's NSIS] (http://nsis.sourceforge.net/)
When compiling LibCecSharp, you'll need the following versions too:
- Visual Studio 2012
- Visual Studio 2010
- Visual Studio 2008
To compile libCEC, follow these instructions:
- run support/build.cmd to build libCEC and cec-client
- open /project/libcec.sln with Visual Studio 2013.
- build the project.
To develop for libCEC or cec-client in Visual Studio:
- run support/visual-studio.cmd
To build an installer on Windows:
- go to /project and execute create-installer.bat to create the installer.
- the installer is stored as /build/libCEC-installer.exe
We provide a C, C++, Python and .NET CLR interface to the adapter.
C++ developers
- the API can be found in /include/cec.h
- an example implementation can be found in /src/cec-client/cec-client.cpp
C developers
- the API can be found in /include/cecc.h
- an example implementation can be found in /src/cecc-client/cecc-client.cpp
.NET developers
- add a reference to LibCecSharp.dll
- an example can be found in \src\CecSharpTester\CecSharpClient.cs
Python developers
- the API is exported to Python through Swig
- an example can be found in \src\pyCecClient
Developers Agreement
If you wish to contribute to this project, you must first sign our contributors agreement. Please see [the contributors agreement] (http://www.pulse-eight.net/contributors) for more information.