
VBindiff for Linux - Hex viewer, differ and editor

Primary LanguageC++

vbl - VBindiff for Linux

Hex viewer, differ and editor

dynamic 16/24/32 byte Hex & ASCII view in a terminal

256TB Files

edit / insert / delete

64-bit static + dynamic

based on "VBinDiff - Visual Binary Diff" by Christopher J. Madsen


  • Ascii search f
  • Binary search
  • Forward search n
  • Backward search p
  • Case insensitive i
  • Search history Up Dn
  • Search edit Ins Del ^u ^k
  • Search highlight
  • Search indentation
  • Search interruption Esc
  • Visual feedback
  • Goto position decimal g
  • Goto position percent
  • Goto position hex (abcd 0x1234 1234x)
  • Goto position 10** (kmgt)
  • Goto position 2** (KMGT)
  • Goto position offset (+addr -addr)
  • Goto position history Up Dn
  • Goto last address ' <
  • Goto last offset .
  • Goto last offset neg ,
  • Set last address l
  • Set last address auto g f Home End
  • Next difference Enter
  • Prev difference # \
  • Next different byte PgDn
  • Prev different byte PgUp
  • Sync 1. with 2. view 1
  • Sync 2. with 1. view 2
  • File position decimal
  • File position percent
  • File offset difference
  • Smartscroll (single mode) ENTER
  • Skip forward 4% + * =
  • Skip backward 1% -
  • ASCII-Mode (single mode) a
  • Column raster r
  • Edit file e
  • Edit insert byte Ins
  • Edit delete byte Del
  • RW/RO detection
  • Use only top file t
  • Use only bottom file b
  • Help window h
  • Quit q
  • Easter egg


All operations take place in read-only mode.

Only if you exit the edit mode and there are changes and you explicitly confirm this will the file be temporarily opened for read/write.

With inserted or deleted bytes, the write can be huge, so it happens always in place.

The last address is auto set with initial Find, Goto w/o relative, home/end or manual with l.

New TurboSearch for SSD (zero-tolerant)

Only Esc interrupt the searches.

Only q quit the program.


# headers + *meson* (debian)
apt install libncurses-dev meson

meson setup vbl && meson compile -C vbl




One File


Files >64GB

Two Files

You have to confirm long writes (>512MB)

Help Screen

Fun Facts:

Hex search worst case:

00 00{22} 33 00  (4GB, Zeros; SSD)
- vbindiff not-so-QuickSearch:    155s

... "Kolumbus kam als Letzter"

- vbl v1.x                        148s
- vbl v2.x                        115s

... "He reaches his courtyard with toil and with dread,
The child in his arms finds he motionless, dead."

- vbl TurboSearch:                 55s
- vbl TurboSearch Zero-Tolerance:   8s

... vbl 4 life!

I say thank you for the indispensable git, which makes coding so much fun, and the amazing - and free - optimizing GNU C compiler!