
Plugin for PocketMine-MP that prevents people to impersonate an account, requering registration and login when connecting.

Primary LanguagePHP


Plugin for PocketMine-MP that prevents people to impersonate an account, requering registration and login when connecting.


  • /login <password>
  • /register <password>
  • /unregister <password>


You can modify the SimpleAuth/config.yml file on the plugins directory once the plugin has been run for at least one time.

Configuration Type Default Description
allowChat boolean false Allows unauthenticated players to use the chat. They won't be able to use any command.
messageInterval integer 5 Timelapse, in seconds, between the login/register message broadcast to unauthenticated players.
timeout integer 60 Unauthenticated players will be kicked after this period of time. Set it to 0 to disable.
allowRegister boolean true Allows registering and log in through commands.
forceSingleSession boolean true New players won't kick an authenticated player if using the same name.

For developers

You can use the login() method in the API to authenticate the player directly.

boolean SimpleAuthAPI::login(Player object)

There are three handle() events that you can use:

  • simpleauth.login
  • simpleauth.logout
  • simpleauth.register

All the events carry the original Player object


boolean SimpleAuthAPI::logout(Player object)

object SimpleAuth SimpleAuthAPI::get()