
A CLI app that makes your todo list into a wallpaper.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This command line tool takes inputs, creates them into a todolist and makes a wallpaper out of that.

One command install

bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/linuxdotexe/todowalp/master/install.sh)


  • Figure out a language
  • Write code to take the string input
  • Figure out what tool we can use to create these images imagemagick
  • Write code for flags
  • Write a help message
  • Make any wrong command return the help message
  • Decide theming for the wallpaper
  • Create a base image
  • Write create_wallpaper()
  • Try to make the text left aligned
  • Write set_wallpaper()
  • Make main.py into a script named tw
  • Display a message when no tasks are in DB
  • Make it customizable
  • Write an install script
  • Write docs