
Alternative ZIP processing adapter

Primary LanguagePHP


Alternative ZIP processing adapter for FileGator. Experimental, do not use on production.


  1. Go to filegator folder and install Proccess lib with composer:
composer require symfony/process
  1. Put the ProcessArchiver.php file into filegator's folder filegator/backend/Services/Archiver/Adapters/

  2. Replace your current ArchiverInterface section in your configuration.php file with this:

        'Filegator\Services\Archiver\ArchiverInterface' => [
            'handler' => '\Filegator\Services\Archiver\Adapters\ProcessArchiver',
            'config' => [
                'zip_binary' => 'zip',      // or '/usr/bin/zip'
                'unzip_binary' => 'unzip',  // or '/usr/bin/unzip'
                'tmp_path' => __DIR__.'/private/tmp/',

Known issues

  • UTF8 file names encoding can be garbled
  • Not tested on windows/mac