- abchk1234India
- aponomarenko
- ashl1Armenia, Yerevan
- brlin-tw中信安科技 SinoItan Technology Co., Ltd.
- ButterflyIt's ok to say... you're not employed right now.
- CaddyBob
- fitojbMictlān, Mēxihco
- frytazPoland
- herrold
- hex-m
- interact82US
- jcrbenSan Francisco, CA
- KevCazinSileco Inc.
- linuxhwCyberprotect (ex. Acronis Infoprotect)
- loplexDataPLEX
- lvcCyberprotect
- markfiliARILUS, self-employed
- mbgg@suse
- megatuxMegatux & friends
- merekemess
- mestia
- PabloCastellanoNomad around Spain
- palob
- RomaShKeeeFreelancer
- skobkinB2Broker
- tecuzinDouastart
- th108
- tpgxyzTriumph International
- verybusybusiness
- Videonauth
- vuon9Vietnam
- wigustThe land of lisp
- x0x8x
- xtaranETH Zürich (@ETHZ-IT-SeC) + @Debian
- yaaqovCharlotte, NC, USA
- ypcsFinland