
Scripts For Stock Analysis and Tracking

Primary LanguagePython


Scripts For Stock Analysis and Tracking.

DISCLAIMER: Only you are responsible for your trading actions. The advice and tools found here DO NOT GUARANTEE any particular outcome. These tools won't be your magic ticket to easy wealth, your market activity is your own. Good luck!

Five Energies Method

One of the most useful scripts is Energies, which provides terminal, line-by-line output of the "five energies" of each ticker according to Trend Trading For Dummies, a book written by Barry Burns of Top Dog Trading.

In this method, you look at only five signals to make your buy or sell decision of a particular security. If at least three of the five signals are in your favor, then you have a high-probabilty trade. The one caveat is that the trend signal must always be in your favor or you should not enter the trade.

The five energies are:

  • Trend
  • Momentum
  • Cycle
  • Support/Resistance
  • Scale

If this method is interesting to you, be sure to watch this video ..

A Simple Method for Trading like the Pros

The video discusses how to use these energies for precisely entering and exiting positions. Once you understand this method more, the Energies script here can be useful in help you more quickly identify high-probability opportunities. Once you've narrowed things down with the Energies script, you should always check the actual chart of a security before making a trade.


1. Install dependencies

$ sudo apt install at python3-pip
$ sudo pip3 install beautifulsoup4 npyscreen numpy pandas==0.21.0 pandas-datareader==0.5.0 requests scipy sh

2. Get scripts (Clone this repository)

$ git clone https://github.com/linuxluser/stocks.git
$ cd stocks