
A delay effect where the repeats degrade in resolution (unofficial port)

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


Build Status

A delay effect where the repeats degrade in resolution


This is a port of the Regrader plugin created by Igorski. It is based on the DISTRHO plugin framework (DPF) to provide support of GNU/Linux and other platforms.

Based on the upstream revision: 534fee5



Build instructions

  1. Obtain prerequisites

Install needed packages:

  • git
  • build-essential
  • pkg-config
  • libx11-dev
  • libcairo2-dev
  • libjack-jackd2-dev or libjack-dev
  • mesa-common-dev
  1. Check out the repository and submodules
git clone https://github.com/linuxmao-org/regrader.git
cd regrader
git submodule update --init
  1. Compile
  1. Install
sudo make install  # to install in system directories, or
make install-user  # to install in the home directory



This is an initial version of the Regrader port, a cross-platform audio plugin.

This distinguishes from upstream Regrader in some ways:

  • adopted a version numbering scheme
  • implemented portably on top of the DISTRHO plugin framework
  • changed sample rate to no longer be a global variable of the plugin
  • fixed a bug which disregards the host sample rate, running the effect as default 44.1 kHz